In a world where we spend so much time with others whether its friends, co-workers, family or even social media, creativity promotes independence. Setting aside time out of the day for yourself to leave some hieroglyphics behind for the future to learn from.
Codependency is more prevalent than ever before. Is it due to technology and our ability to stay connected at all times, or perhaps the increase in street narcotics/ prescribed narcotics. We'll leave it up to you to decide the cause. As for the solution we suggest investing in yourself and your limited time on this earth.
Interdependence is the degree to which members of the group are mutually dependent on the others. We need these type of communities to develop in a country where we spend more than $40 billion dollars each year on lawn care. Lawn pesticides are being linked to the honey bee collapse as well as algae blooms that suck oxygen out of lakes, asphyxiating fish. The reason we mention lawn is because we can grow food in these sections of our home instead, and like the Cree Indians once said "When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money."